Check out our Monthly Promotions!

Healthy Smiles & Happiness Start Here!

May-June 2018 Promotion

picture of a girl with clarity braces

Need braces?

Summer is a great time to get started on your braces. Clarity braces are a great alternative to metal braces. They give your child the same great benefits but with the added advantage of being clear, giving a more aesthetic alternative to regular metal braces.

Call us: (858) 693-5677
to find out how to win
a clarity upgrade!

April 2018 Promotion

Protect your child's pearly whites!

Sports injuries account for 39% of dental injuries. Custom mouthguards made by your dentist can be more comfortable, give better protection, and in our office, they can be customized with your team logo and your child's jersey number.

Call us: (858) 693-5677
to find out how to win a
custom mouthguard!

Ready for a Visit?